Setting Boundaries

Boundaries…? Ugh…more rules? While initially your child might not like the boundaries, children thrive in settings with clear expectations and predictability.

As a parent, setting boundaries for your kid can be a challenging but important because it's natural to want the best for your child and to help them develop into responsible adults. Knowing what is acceptable behavior actually gives a sense of security for your child to grow and thrive in a safe environment. Each family is different, though, and we love that! Which boundaries and values are enforced for your children aren’t what’s important, but that your child knows them and what to expect.

So here are some tips, if you’re interested…

1) Be clear and specific

Make sure your child understands the boundaries and the consequences associated with them. Boundaries are about creating a predicable environment, so if your child doesn’t understand why they are being punished, it loses the benefit.

2) Listen

If there's a particular boundary that your child is struggling with, take the time to discuss why it's important and to come up with a plan together.

3) Be consistent

This is a hard one. Sometimes it’s been a long day, too many things are happening at the same time, or you just missed it, etc. It happens, but in general, being consistent with a boundary is the only way to ensure the boundary is really actually there.

And, remember that setting boundaries isn't about control or punishment, but about helping your child develop healthy habits and behaviors. With patience, consistency, and a willingness to listen, you can help your child thrive within the boundaries you set. You can do this!


Sleepy time ZZZ’s